Thursday, May 19, 2011

The confessions of a "Sweet Lime"

There she is, in a state where her heart is thumping fast and her brain experiencing a roller coster ride and is clueless on what would happen next. She thought that her hormones were dormant until that charismatic acquantaince which proved her wrong. When and how did this all happen? The fruitology says he is a Craneberry and that she is a sweet lime. No wonder the sweet lime finds it so difficult to express her feelings for him.

Should she pour her heart out to him?

Would the feelings be mutual?

Is she ready for the "No" word?

How would she feel if there is someone in his life already?

What if he does not have feelings for her?

Could it be possible that both feel the same way yet reluctant to confess for some reasons?

Does he even know how she feels about him?

Will she join her predecessors and stand at (N+1)th position in the list of you know what?

Is rejection better than assumption?

The probability of Yes and No is in par at 50%. Would it be a fairy tale ending or would it be time to wake up from her dreams? No matter what, I think she will have an answer for that question that runs in her mind all day long.

GOOD LUCK Sweet Lime!!!

1 comment:

Ch4 said...

Lime Juice and cranberry juice is a delicious combination :) Best of luck. Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.